An Bronntanas / The Gift

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Ireland, 2014

Director: Tom Collins; screenplay: Tom Collins, Paul Walker, Joe Byrne, Eoin Mac Namee; cinematography: Cian de Buitléar; editing: Conall de Cléir; music: Pól Brennan; production design: Jason Carlin, Mags Linnane; producers: Ciarán Ó Cofaigh, Tom Collins; production companies: ROSG, De Facto Film; Irish location: Galway; running time: 112’

Cast: Dara Devaney, John Finn, Owen McDonnell, Pól Ó Gríofa, Janusz Sheagall, Michelle Beamish, Charlotte Bradley, Dean Whatton



This contemporary thriller is set against the dramatic lives of a local lifeboat crew in Co. Galway, off the coast of Connemara. One stormy night, they are called out on a rescue mission. When they come across the endangered boat, they find a viciously murdered woman and a cargo of drugs worth one million Euro on board. Bring the body on shore and hand the drugs to the authorities, or sell the drugs and save their struggling village? This decision will change their lives forever.